Senior Portrait Information

Every portrait session includes a pre-session consultation in order to discuss location ideas, wardrobe options, hair and makeup. These sessions are all about you – the senior – which means that every shoot is unique and tailored to your personality. I want you to have fun and remember this day for a lifetime. You’re only a senior once, so make the most of it!

{Ultimate Senior} $250

The {Ultimate Senior} is a one-on-one 2-3 hour photo shoot with unlimited location and outfit changes. This includes an online gallery of 30+ edited images, as well as a custom Facebook timeline. A yearbook image will be provided or sent directly to your school.


{MDP Senior Pairs} $150/person

{MDP Senior Pairs} sessions are a fun way to share the photo shoot experience with one of your best friends! These 2-3 hour shoots are held in 1-2 locations and allow time for approximately 3-4 outfit changes. I’ll also make sure to snap a few pics of the two of you together! You each will be presented with an online gallery of 20-25 edited images and a cusom Facebook timeline. A yearbook photo for each of you will be provided or sent directly to your school.

I will share this shoot with:


* All senior sessions have a $300 minimum order requirement.
* Session fees cover the photographer’s time, artistic processing and eye for detail. 
* Session fees are due at the time of booking to reserve your session date.