Twice the mess! {Cake Smash sneak peek}

If you want a recipe for total chaos, I’ve got it! You only need three ingredients: 2 one-year-olds (preferably twins) and 1 large cake with frosting. Combine all ingredients in a large, open area and then stand back and watch…

I always have fun during Cake Smash shoots, but this was crazy hilarious. I don’t know how I would have handled it without mom Mindy and her mother as assistants. Corralling one set of messy hands and feet is nothing compared with two sets of frosting-covered hands and feet. They zig – you zag. Wow…

What I found really interesting was how they both approached the cake differently. Ava (in magenta) dove right in. No hesitation at all. Beatrice (in orange) was much more cautious. She definitely was not liking the thought of getting messy, and actually seemed a little disinterested at first. She eventually embraced the Smash, but still kept a ladylike grace about her.

I hope you enjoy the pics!  ~ Morgan


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