Have Camera, Will Travel (at least to Cleveland!)

The gear is packed, and I'm getting away from the absurdly frigid western New York – I'm heading to the absurdly frigid Cleveland, Ohio.  I know, I know, it's not the ideal winter getaway.  But it's a working trip, and at least I'll have the chance to see The Hooligans – my nephews Keegan and Landon.

I've been asked to photograph a Cystic Fibrosis charity event on March 25th, and decided to stay in Cleveland for the week.  I already have other photo shoots scheduled, but I still have dates available.  If you – or someone you know who lives in Ohio! – would like to book a session during that week, I'd love to make it happen.  I can even find us a great place to have coffee as well!

The Hooligans and my brother-in-law Ryan:
