Note to self: Always bring dog treats to a house with a puppy…

It seemed so simple: Photograph a family of five just in time for Christmas.  The only hitch: Bernd, the adorable German Shepherd "puppy", and Ward, the family cat.  Lets just say, we quickly determined it would be better to keep Bernd and Ward in separate frames.  Maybe we can try again next year 🙂

In any case, I can hardly believe it's been five years since I first met Jeremy.  He was always a cute child, but now he's really turning into a handsome young man.  Every time I see him, I swear he's grown a foot!  He was such a great model – and even came up with several suggestions for shot locations (including the outdoor swing – great idea!).

Gail, Mike, and Jeremy – I hope you like the pictures; you are a beautiful family!



